One of the strategies of car insurance companies to make money is to get a driver signed up, making payments, and out the door on the road as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this often means that “by saving $100 on your car insurance” you are actually getting less than what you need. Over and over again, we hear our clients tell us in our first meeting that they were told by their company that they have “full coverage”. In truth, they have far from it. Often they find out that they may have more than the minimum liability coverage but far less than “full coverage” for the situation they find themselves in after a car wreck.
In reality, “full coverage” is a myth as you can always purchase a larger policy with more coverage. Generally, people expect when they are told they’ve paid for this insurance is that if and when they are in a wreck and injured, the insurance company will take care of them. In our experience, “full coverage” seems to mean that the client may have collision and comprehensive coverage for damage to their car, but likely only has the state required minimum liability coverage, which in Georgia is $25,000.00. Trust us, having the additional coverage necessary to fully insure your bodily injuries is another matter.
Why do we ask about full coverage in a meeting – because many times that “extra” coverage for “underinsured” or “uninsured” motorists can mean the difference between merely getting bills paid vs. a settlement that actually compensates someone injured in a car wreck for the disruption in their life in addition to bills. For example, that coverage often is the only coverage available to cover a drunk driver who was uninsured. Also, that coverage sometimes means that there is coverage over and above minimum limits. Another issue Columbus readers should remember is that with Ft. Benning’s military population and Phenix City a stone’s throw away, many driver’s don’t even have Georgia insurance policies which can add further issues to evaluate.
There are many aspects to your car insurance coverage to consider. Even a small amount of “medical payments” coverage can pay doctor bills while someone is treating for an injury. That coverage is sometimes the only medical coverage available. and can pay for expensive procedures like MRI exams and emergency room visits.
Full coverage means something different to everyone, and the important of insurance coverage is a topic we are sure to revisit again. But for now, let our advice be clear.
Make sure you check your coverage with your agent BEFORE you have a lawyer ask you what coverage you have – because by then it is too late.
-The Attorneys of Gary O. Bruce, P.C.
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